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Learn How to Roll Your Own Cigars

Complete Professional instruction series geared to the cigar industry.

In-Person Course Austin, Texas

1 on 1 Master Cigar Rolling Course

1 on 1 Master Cigar Rolling Course

This course is geared mainly towards people in the cigar industry; it is one-on-one, with one student at a time.  Schedules are worked out with each student on a case-by-case basis.  Hotel & travel expenses are not included.In our 5-day course you will learn everything you need to bring the skill of hand rolling cigars back home with you.  This course will teach you every aspect of the cigar rolling process from selecting & blending the leaf to box presentation. Molds, cutting boards, chevetas, glue, cigar presses & all other related equipment available at market price.  Filler, binder & wrapper leaf, along with factory rolled cigars using same blend, are also available.  This is an investment -- the payoff will be increased traffic, customer appeal, & higher margins including many other opportunities, such as private parties, corporate events, sporting events, weddings, & trade shows.  Set yourself apart from the competition.

For more info or to book call or email jeff 512-469-5877 or

Online Course

Rolling Cigars For Fun & Profit

Rolling Cigars For Fun & Profit

If you ever wanted to learn to roll cigars the proper way, this is for you. Here at Bobalu Cigar Co. we operate a cigar rolling school and we have been teaching the cigar rolling process for people in the industry over 20 years. But due to the costs involved, (ie Cost of the course, travel to Austin, TX factory for a week, missing work etc) this course has been limited to people working in the cigar industry.

After lots of feedback, we have designed the most comprehensive video cigar rollers course that will teach you the proper concepts and techniques to have you rolling cigars like the pros. We teach the authentic Cuban style of rolling that has been taught from generation to generation.

How it Works

How it Works

We will cover every aspect of the entire rolling process from selection of leaf to boxing and presentation. The videos are multi camera, close up and narrated in very easy to understand instructions. We have been teaching this for 20 years, we know what we are doing. Although we do not sell leaf to the general public, we are making available leaf by the pound (at market rate) to anyone purchasing the course.

We also have all of the molds, table cutters and other equipment available. Absolutely no experience is necessary.

If you are serious about doing something you love, this course is perfect for you!

View Course Outline Here

Pricing Information

Contact Jeff Lipton for pricing and other informations.

